
NAD+ Complex


Ingredients Description

Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NAD)

NAD+ acts as an oxidation-reduction coenzyme because it contains the pyridine ring structure of the vitamin niacin, which accepts electrons when fuel molecules are oxidized. Stabilized oral NAD+ as a nutritional supplement thus plays an important role in preventing energy deficiency in tissues. Cells having more fuel via NAD+ have more energy, function much better, live much longer and stay healthy.


Resveratrol, a naturally occurring polyphenol, is found in various plants, including grapes (skins of red grapes), berries, cacao, and peanuts.
A study done in 2006 on mice reported increased longevity when given a resveratrol supplement. In this study, it mimics the longevity effect of a calorie-restricted diet which helps extend lifespan. More and more interesting benefits from this red wine compound, including potential anti-cancer and anti- ageing activity, are emerging today. Resveratrol has potent antioxidant activity and may help prevent free radical damage throughout the body, thereby inhibiting chronic oxidative stress and inflammation.
Resveratrol in studies also showed protection against Ultraviolet A-mediated damage in the skin (which is the UV with the greatest ageing effect on the skin). Proof also exists that it boosts the production of collagen and opposes menopausal symptoms, thus preventing osteoporosis. It inhibits tyrosine kinase, which is often associated with various degenerative diseases. Red wine has about 1.5 to 3 milligrams of resveratrol per litre.


Oral Astaxanthin, found in the Antioxidant complex of NADplus+ Complex, has been shown in the lab to be the strongest natural antioxidant known. It comes from marine algae and is the carotenoid that gives flamingos and salmon their rosy hue. It has been measured to be many times (up to 60 times) more potent in some ways than Vitamin E, Vitamin A, lutein or pycnogenol. Many of the world’s leading anti-ageing experts highly recommend Astaxanthin for reducing wrinkles and age spots, and improving moisture levels, elasticity, smoothness, and radiance. The primary benefits of Astaxanthin come from its anti-inflammatory properties. Astaxanthin, as part of NADplus+ Complex antioxidant complex, and in tandem with the detoxification substrates, forms a formidable force against free radicals and inflammation.

Alpha Lipoic Acid

Alpha lipoic acid can be taken orally as a supplement to improve the health of the cells throughout the body and have positive effects on the skin. It is widely known as the “Universal Anti-Oxidant’. In addition to potential anti-ageing benefits, studies are under way to determine if alpha lipoic acid can help reduce skin inflammation and detoxify the body and skin.
Some research suggests that alpha lipoic acid may also help reduce blood sugar levels in diabetics. If this theory holds true, people who are suffering from acne, rosacea and other skin problems that are triggered by fluctuating blood sugar levels may benefit from alpha lipoic acid supplementation.

Sulforaphane (Broccoli Sprout extract)

Sulforaphane a lsothiocyanate which is extracted from broccoli, boosts detoxifying and protective reactions in the skin, and promotes cellular integrity. It has even been shown to repair DNA damage from things like ROS (Reactive Oxygen Species), chemicals, viruses and radiation. It has anti-inflammatory properties, supports the immune system and has anti-ageing benefits. It is also a metallothionein gene expresser, which helps the body get rid of dangerous metals. In addition, it assists the liver with Phase II of detoxification.

Trimethyl Glycine (TMG)

This substrate is critical in the most important detoxification pathway in the liver called methylation. It is one of the most important steps in the detoxification cascade of the liver, without which toxic free radicals escalate. Without proper methylation, the toxin load in the body is not maintained at low levels, followed by chronic inflammation.

Co-Enzyme  Q10

Advanced Glycation End products, or “AGEs” as they’re appropriately called, are the end result of the complex chemical process through which the structure of proteins are warped by exposure to sugars. AGE chemistry is the cause of the “browning” you see when you roast a chicken or make toast, but the same “browning” chemistry is working in your body every day of your life. Make that: Ageing you. The results: loss of function, disease, ageing, and ultimately an early grave. AGEs transform the supple grace of youth into old age. AGEs in tissues increase the rate of free radical production to 50-times the rate of free-radical production by un-glycated proteins.
Co-enzymeQ10 and resveratrol can help against the AGE onslaught to stop AGE formation at the most important point in the processes used for stress, improving athletic performance and ageing.

Niacin (Vitamin B3 – Nicotinic Acid)

The B vitamins as a group consist of eight different water-soluble vitamins that are found in a variety of foods. New insights are examining its role as an effective treatment for several skin conditions, from acne to photo ageing. In particular, vitamin B3 has been found to increase collagen production in in vitro studies and to reduce skin hyperpigmentation. Niacin is a precursor of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADP), which is essential for oxidation-reduction reactions (neutralizing free radicals), ATP synthesis (energy production), and ADP- ribose transfer reactions assisting the energy transfer process. Cells with normal energy levels and transfer are healthy cells that live their expected life span.

Vitamin C (Calcium Ascorbate)

Complementing the antioxidants in NADplus+ Complex, Vitamin C increases the healing rate of wounds and burns, and protects the skin in general. Vitamin C also has anti-glycation properties and is most universally well-known for its antioxidant and anti – inflammatory protection of the body.
Vitamin C, a water-soluble vitamin (also known as ascorbic acid), is found in citrus fruits and dark green leafy vegetables, and plays an essential role in the production of collagen and elastin. Because of its antioxidant properties, Vitamin C reverses the negative effects of UV radiation in the skin and indirectly reduces pigmentation. It boosts collagen, new skin growth and rejuvenates the skin by strengthening it.


Also included in NADplus+ Complex is L -Proline, an oral Casein peptide, commonly used for enhancing collagen and elastin in the skin, and reducing stress and fatigue.

Proline is best known for being one of the main components of collagen, protecting its stability. This is crucial to inhibit accelerated ageing in cartilage, ligaments, joints and the skin. It seems to be even more productive if this nutrient is combined with Vitamin C, hence the choice to include both in NADplus+ Complex.


High concentrations of glycine are found not only in the muscles, but in the skin and other connective tissues as well. Almost a third of collagen, which keeps the skin and connective tissue firm and flexible, is composed of glycine. Without glycine the body would not be able to repair damaged tissues; the skin would become slack as it succumbs to UV rays, oxidation, and free radical damage, and wounds would never heal.


One of the most popular anti-ageing substances known is Carnosine or L-Carnosine. It is a natural dipeptide present in all body cells. Its concentration decreases with age, and its decrease is intimately linked to the ageing process. It is commonly called “the fountain of youth”. Ingested, it reverses the signs of ageing. It has a rejuvenating effect on all cells and is one of the” strongest anti-oxidants known, with incredible benefits to the skin. Carnosine helps to preventskin collagen cross-linking which leads to loss of elasticity and wrinkles, macro-molecular disorganization, and the loss of extra cellular matrix. It also rejuvenates each cell of the skin and subcutaneous tissues and is therefore a most valuable anti-ager. It helps the entire body, not only the skin, and it is therefore a more holistic approach to reverse ageing. It inhibits glycation and has antioxidant metal chelating activity. Skeletal muscle concentrations of carnosine correlate with lifespan in mammals. This enigmatic dipeptide also suppresses cultured human fibroblast senescence and induces rejuvenating effects through telomere shortening.

Royal Jelly (Apis melifera)

This Biopeptide is a juvenile hormone isolate coming from bees. It is secreted from the hypopharyngeal and mandibular glands of worker bees to feed honeybee larvae during their first three days of life. It is the sole food for the honeybee queen during its life span and it is known that the honeybee queen lives for several years compared to a few months of the worker bee. Chemical composition shows that Royal Jelly is mainly composed of proteins, sugars, lipids, vitamins, free amino acids and many bioactive substances Therefore, Royal Jelly is extensively used as a cosmetic or dietary supplement due to the belief that it exerts, on human beings, similar effects as it does on honeybees.
Results showed that royal jelly decreased intracellular oxidation in a dose dependent manner. Additionally, it affected growth and cell energy metabolic activity in a growth phase dependent manner. Protein profile analysis showed that royal jelly in the cell does not act only as a scavenger of reactive oxygen species, but it also affects protein expression. Differentially expressed proteins were identified.

N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC)

N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) is a metabolite of the Sulphur-containing amino acid,Cysteine. Cysteine plays a role in the sulfation cycle, acting as a Sulphur donor in phase II detoxification and as a methyl donor in the conversion of homocysteine to methionine. Cysteine also helps synthesize glutathione, one of the body’s most important natural antioxidants and detoxifiers. N-Acetyl Cysteine is rapidly metabolized to intracellular glutathione. Glutathione acts as a powerful antioxidant in the body and detoxifies chemicals into less harmful compounds.
Heavy metals like lead, mercury and arsenic are detoxified and removed from the body by N-Acetyl Cysteine. NAC repairs oxidative damage in cells and is essential in DNA Synthesis. Studies done on N-Acetyl Cysteine show a reduction in some skin cancers by 80%.

Zinc Gluconate

NADplus+ Complex also contains Zinc, which is used orally for treating many skin conditions like acne and eczema and anti-ageing. According to the University of California, Berkeley, zinc plays a role in regulating cellular ageing, a process called senescence. Zinc within your body helps your cells grow and develop properly, so they can contribute to healthy, functional tissue. As you age, the levels of zinc in your body decrease, and your tissue begins to lose the ability to maintain themselves, leading to the effects of ageing.

Selenium amino acid chelate

Selenium, another type of essential mineral, may also help fight ageing. Specifically, selenium can help against cellular ageing that occurs in your brain, according to a study published in “Neurotoxicity” in 2010. As you age, your brain accumulates the toxic chemical methyl mercury which contributes to the ageing process within your nervous system. Selenium can help neutralize methyl mercury, preventing its toxicity and helping to slow the ageing process. Selenium provides defense and repair against oxidative damage and can function both in central metabolism and DNA synthesis, while also playing a role in defense against reactive oxygen species. Researchers from Maastricht University in the Netherlands, the University of Queensland in Australia and the Queensland Institute of Medical Research report that higher blood levels of the essential mineral selenium can reduce the occurrence of skin cancer by around 60%.Cellular glutathione peroxidase (GPx1) has been shown to be a selenium dependent enzyme. Previous research has indicated that organic forms of Selenium (like Selenium-enriched yeast containing seleno-methionine) are less toxic and more bioavailable than the more inorganic forms such as sodium selenite.

Magnesium Gluconate

This is really the most important mineral when it comes to supplementation. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) in the UK lists magnesium as being necessary for more than 300 biochemical reactions in the body, from helping maintain normal muscle (with potential for sports nutrition) and nerve function, to keeping heart rhythm steady, supporting a healthy immune system, and keeping bones strong. The mineral is also needed for blood sugar management, and healthy blood pressure. The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has issued positive opinions on magnesium and the maintenance of normal bone, teeth, and protein synthesis; the reduction of tiredness and fatigue; and normal energy-yielding metabolism. It is increasingly recognised for its role in neuro­ transmission, brain health and muscle contraction. Several meta-analyses and high-profile studies have been published in recent years supporting the mineral’s benefits for metabolic pathways, blood pressure, reducing the risk of stroke and reducing the risk of colon cancer.
Magnesium plays an important role in glucose control via glucose oxidation. It also modulates glucose transport across cell membranes. One study found that low serum magnesium level is a strong, independent predictor of incident type 2 diabetes


D-Biotin is a water-soluble vitamin also known as vitamin B7. It is a coenzyme — or helper enzyme — for numerous metabolic reactions in the body. D-biotin is involved in lipid and protein metabolism and helps convert food into glucose, which the body uses for energy. Biotin deficiency can cause hair thinning and loss (alopecia) or skin rash, typically on the face, as well as brittle and thin fingernails. Neurological symptoms in adults, such as depression, lethargy, hallucination, as well as numbness and tingling of the extremities my also occur when Biotin deficiency exists.

Vitamin D3

This incredibly important ‘vitamin’ in our bodies is a pro – hormone of which the final production in the skin is dependent on sunlight exposure. There is however also other physiologic and genetic factors involved in the production. That is why many sunny countries like South Africa and Australia have endemically low levels. Vitamin D3 is very important in the functioning and maintenance of more than 200 genes, with a critical role in DNA protection. This in turn makes it one of the most important ingredients in our bodies, protecting us against cancers like breast and colon cancers.

A new study published in Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention found that low Vitamin D significantly increases overall cancer risk. Another study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that Vitamin D can lower the chance you’ll get cancer by 77 percent.

This is one of most important findings in modern medical history: Vitamin D is the best current hope for
preventing cancer. Aside from cancer prevention, Vitamin D3 cools the fire of inflammation throughout our bodies. Less inflammation means stronger, pain-free joints, a healthier heart and more healthy ageing of the whole body.

Vitamin D also: Enhances mood
Boosts your immune system
Prevents bone and muscle weakness Dramatically lowers the risk of heart disease Prevents diabetes
Fights arthritis, pain and inflammation
Helps prevent Parkinson’s disease and multiple sclerosis

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Fighting against free radicals and inflammation

The unique blend of 19 ingredients in NADplus+ Complex assist in decelerating the ageing process. Cells in the body are extremely sensitive and will die prematurely if excessively exposed to inflammation.

Stressors like emotional pressure and increased exposure to environmental and dietary toxins increase the levels of free radicals in the body. These free radicals rob cells of electrons with ensuing damage and inflammation. This is where NADplus+ Complex is particularly advantageous in that its abundant content of water and fat-soluble antioxidants rid the body of free radicals in circulation and in the cells.

Environmental factors & pollution

Modern living and pollution have been proven to contribute to rapid ageing. Global research studies conducted on minerals, peptides and B-vitamins – such as those included in NADplus+ Complex – have proven anti-ageing effects on cells. NADplus+ Complex is a dynamic and effective nutraceutical healthy ageing complex.

Detoxification & healthy ageing

Stressors of a contemporary lifestyle have made the body’s detoxification process more important than ever to ensure that numerous endogenous toxins are shed. NADplus+ Complex contains multiple substrates involved in helping the liver’s detoxification processes.

This is yet another way in which NADplus+ Complex assists in reducing inflammation and concomitant premature ageing.

Generation of life saving energy

NADplus+ Complex presents the exciting possibility of enhanced generation of energy in the cells of the body. This is accomplished by increasing the levels of NAD+ (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) at cellular level.

The latest worldwide scientific studies prove that NAD+ is an essential, natural substrate for sirtuin proteins – important enzymes that regulate over 200 biological processes in the body such as stress response, cell metabolism and the ageing process. NAD+ also modulates multiple key factors involved with cell death in a positive preventative way. Thus it can be confidently stated that there is scientific proof that NAD+ produces genuine anti-ageing clinical effects.

DNA Telomeres

The lengths of specific regions of DNA, called telomeres, located at the periphery of chromosomes, are critical in ageing. Telomeres protect cells during replications from premature ageing and cell death.  The link between telomeres and ageing is highlighted by the fact that genetic diseases causing telomerase deficiency are associated with premature ageing and the increased risk of cancer. NAD+ positively impacts the length of telomeres, thereby indirectly enhancing the longevity of cells.

The Unique Antioxidant Complex:

Actively targeting free radicals, providing added protection against inflammation.

Enhaces cell enery protects DNA and has science proven anti-ageing properties.

NAD+ Complex:

NAD+ Complex: Cell Energy Booster with DNA protection
NAD+ Complex offers the exciting inclusion of the core ingredient NAD+ (Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide). This is a naturally occurring coenzyme (catalyst for many enzymes} in human cells, which plays a critical role in the mitochondria – the power plant of all cells. By regulating the metabolism of cells, it has an important role to play in the ageing of mammals through a unique role in the production of ATP from the oxidation of fuel molecules in our cells.
NAD+ acts as an oxidation-reduction coenzyme because it contains the pyridine ring structure of the vitamin niacin, which accepts electrons when fuel molecules are oxidized. Stabilized oral NAD+ as a nutritional supplement thus plays an important role in preventing energy deficiency in tissues. Cells having more fuel via NAD+ have more energy, function much better, live much longer and stay healthy.

Detoxification Complex:

Liver regeneration and detoxifcation.

NADplus+ Complex contains multiple amino acids (Alpha Lipoic Acid, N-Acetyl Cysteine, L-Glycine, L-Carnosine and L-Proline) involved in the second phase of the liver’s detoxification. This biotransformation phase of liver detoxification is extremely important in ridding the body of numerous endogenous toxins produced in the body. Environmental toxins, of which the load has increased alarmingly in modern life, are also detoxified by this phase in the liver. These toxins produce low grade inflammation in the body, thereby inducing degeneration and premature ageing in the body. Some of the other potent ingredients, like resveratrol in NADplus+ Complex, also serve as substrates for this very important phase of detoxification in the liver.

This greatly improves the body’s ability to reduce its circulating free radical load. Decreasing free radicals in the body leads to less inflammation and thus premature ageing and death of cells. NADplus+ Complex also increases the levels of Glutathione (the most important endogenous antioxidant in the human body.)

Certain amino acids included in NADplus+ Complex have proven anti-ageing effects on cells as well as collagen protection and possibly skin whitening abilities. The Metalothionine gene expression inducer in NADplus+ Complex not only activates enzymes involved in phase two detoxification of the liver, but may provide protection against metal toxicity and skin damage by ultraviolet exposure. Resveratrol as an ingredient not only enhances Phase ll liver detoxification, but has numerous other advantages of which one is the beneficial effects in sugar and weight regulation.
The addition to NADplus+ Complex of certain crucial minerals, known to be beneficial in preventing cell ageing and protecting the neurons of the brain, makes this nutraceutical combination even more dynamic and attractive as a possible cell anti-ageing supplement.

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